Refurbished Stretchers (Part 1): Is Used Really That Different Than Refurbished?

“Is ‘used’  different than refurbished? If so, what is the difference between “used” and “refurbished” stretchers?” “Why does company XYZ have the same stretcher for hundreds of dollars less than your refurbished stretcher?”  “Can I just buy one of your stretchers as-is, un-refurbished?” – These are all questions that we receive frequently when discussing the stretchers we sell with potential customers.  In this blog, we’d like to address each the first question. Is used really that different than refurbished? If so, how?

Is used really that different than refurbished? If so, how?

This is a simple question that can become quite complex depending on the company you choose to buy your stretcher from. In our case, the answer is a resounding, “NO!”  Where this gets complex is what the dealer you are buying from considers “refurbished”.  In our opinion, a used stretcher should be a stretcher that works well and has no major cosmetic issues, just normal “wear and tear” imperfections. The stretcher should be leak-free and all functions working. There would be no rebuilding of parts that are known to be prone to failure, no new paint, labels, etc. The stretcher would be “as-is” in its current condition.  There would be no warranty or a very minimal one.  This is a buyer-beware scenario whereas the customer would have to be aware that they are “on their own” after the sale.

Used Stryker Stretcher from the Foot End

Refurbished Stryker Stretcher from the Foot End

Refurbished stretchers, in our opinion, should be disassembled and inspected, cleaned, repainted, known problem components rebuilt or replaced, news labels, etc. A warranty should accompany any “refurbished” product.  These processes and procedures can vary from dealer to dealer. A reputable dealer should be able to immediately send you their processes and examples upon request.


This is oart one to a 3 part blog series we will be doing for the next 2 weeks. Join us next week when we discuss the question of, “Why does company XYZ have the same stretcher for hundreds of dollars less than your refurbished stretcher?”. See you next week!

Thanks for reading.

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