MCM Add-A-Rail | MCM 314

product ID VM-E29M50107

If you need the MCM 314: Add-A-Rail you don’t need to look any further. Give us a call or request a quote and let us help you.

SKU: VM-E29M50107 Category:

If you need the MCM 314: Add-A-Rail you don’t need to look any further. Give us a call or request a quote and let us help you.

Product Description:

MCM 314: Add-A-Rail.  Mid Central Medical is an American company committed to manufacturing the highest quality medical equipment to serve the demands of America’s healthcare industry. Every product is designed to meet and surpass your expectations. MCM 314 is only one of a wide variety of innovative products that comprise the MCM line.

MCM 314 Add-A-Rail For Rectangle Shaped Tables only Features Solid Stainless Steel Construction.  It Mounts to Blocks underneath the table with Two Screws that are countersunk allowing you to slip accessories on from the end. Another feature of the MCM314 is that it will enable you to adapt multiple accessories simultaneously.

Its sleek, minimalist design ensures it will blend seamlessly with your existing setup while adding an extra layer of flexibility. The stainless steel material provides a modern, polished look and ensures resistance to wear, rust, and corrosion. Moreover, the MCM 314’s easy installation process and user-friendly features make it a go-to solution for anyone looking to optimize their table’s functionality without the hassle of complex setups or additional tools.

  • Note: The image may not be an exact representation. See tabs for more information.

Note: To view Venture Medical’s complete catalogs of Hand Surgery Tables or complete Surgical Table Accessories, click to view.

  • ss=”yoast-text-mark”>le=”list-style-type: none;”>
    • For Rectangular-shaped table only
    • Solid Stainless Steel
    • Mounts to blocks underneath the table
    • Easy Mounting – Two Countersunk Screws
    • Allows Accessories to be slipped on from the end



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<div class=”yoast-text-mark”>ign=”left”>Allows You to Adapt Multiple Accessories at one time

  • For Rectangle Shaped Tables
  • Dimensions: 18″

Available Option Sold Separately: