Lakeside Wire Shelf Cart with 3 Enclosed Sides | R187272CTS-4

s=”pf0″&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;lass=””&gt;=””cf&amp;lt;/yoastmark”>0″>If you nee</span>d the Lakeside Wire Shelf Cart with 3 Enclosed Sides: R187272CTS-4 you don’t need to look any further. Give us a call or request a quote and let us help you.


s=”pf0″&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;lass=””&gt;=””cf&amp;lt;/yoastmark”>0″>If you nee</span>d the Lakeside Wire Shelf Cart with 3 Enclosed Sides: R187272CTS-4 you don’t need to look any further. Give us a call or request a quote and let us help you.

Product Description:

Lakeside Wire Shelf Cart with 3 Enclosed Sides: R187272CTS-4.  As a quality-driven manufacturer for over 60 years, Lakeside has been producing its products right here in the USA. Lakeside continually engineers new products and updates existing products to stay in tune with industry trends and their customers’ unique needs. Their line of award-winning durable medical equipment speaks for itself.

Lakeside R187272CTS-4 Features: Model R187272CTS-4 is a Mobile wire shelf cart that is enclosed on three sides with detachable mesh panels, allowing for safe handling of objects during transit.  High-quality plated wire shelves and components.  Shelves feature truss-reinforced edges for exceptional durability.  Posts have groove rings providing shelf height adjustability.  Enclosed cart kits include 4 shelves, corner posts, and 4 swivel casters.  Cart is also available in 36″, 48″, and 60″ L.

  • See tabs for more information.
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  • Mobile wir
  • e shelf carts&lt;/li&amp;amp;gt;
  • <li>

Enclose on t

    hree sides

  • Detachable mesh panels allow for safe handling of objects during transit
  • High quality plated wire shelves and components
  • Shelves feature truss reinforced edges for exceptional durability
  • Posts feature groove rings in 1″ increments, providing shelf height adjustability
  • Enclosed cart kits include four shelves, corner posts, and four swivel casters
  • </ul>
  • ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>le=”list-style-type: none;”><ul&gt;
  • Case Weigh
  • t: 142 lbs.</li><li>Dim

ensions: 18″W x

    • 72

“L x 78″H</l


  • Load Capacity: 1200 lbs.
  • Shelf Dimensions; 18″W x 72″L
  • Caster Size: 5″
  • Caster Type: All Swivel
  • Shelf Description: 3 ea.

Available Options Sold Separately:&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;

  • 36″ L


  • 48″ L Unit
  • 60″ L Unit