Harloff Eye Drop Tray/Divider Set Optional Accessory | 680551

product ID 3ede6b335c18

If you need the Harloff Eye Drop Tray/Divider Set Optional Accessory: 680551 you don’t need to look any further. Give us a call or request a quote and let us help you.

If you need the Harloff Eye Drop Tray/Divider Set Optional Accessory: 680551 you don’t need to look any further. Give us a call or request a quote and let us help you.

Product Description:

Harloff Optional Accessory – Eye Drop Tray/Divider Set: 680551.  Hospitals, Clinics, and Outpatient Facilities are constantly challenged to find usable, adaptable, and economical medical storage systems that provide quick access and maintain organization, saving staff time.  Harloff answers this need with their line of Medication Cart Accessories; click to view.

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Eye Drop Tray/Divider Set model number 680551, is compatible with the following Harloff Carts with  4″ drawers.

  • Harloff Aluminum Carts
  • Harloff Select Carts.