Edan MT-801 Luxury Trolley with Shelf

product ID VM-EMT801-N
SKU: VM-EMT801-N Category:

Product Description:

Edan MT-801 Luxury Trolley with Shelf. The Edan MT-801 is for use with SE-12 Express, SE-1200 Express, and SE-1200 Units. The trolley is shown with SE-12, printer, and Cable Arm, which are not included and are sold separately. For additional Luxury Trolleys and optional Cable Arms

  • See the tabs for more information.

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To view a wide variety of EKG Units, click the following link to browse automatic autoclaves and distillers, manual autoclaves, and ultrasonic cleaners: Venture Medical’s Complete Catalog of EKG Units.

Available Luxury Trolleys Sold Separately:

  • MT-801 is for use with the following Units: SE-12 Express, SE-1200 Express and SE-1200
  • MT-802 is for use with the following Units: D3 and D6
  • MT-803 is for use with the following Units: F6 Express (Fetal & Maternal Parameters), F2 w/ Dual FHR (Twins), and F6 w/ Dual FHR (Twins)
  • MT-805 is for use with the following Unit: DUS 60

Note: For Edan’s MT-207 Trolley (click to view)

Available Option is Sold Separately:

  • Cable Arm (compatible with the MT-801), CA-100: $99.00

Note: For Edan ECG/EKG Units (click to view)

 ECG/EKGs for Sale