Renting Medical Equipment

Stretcher Rentals

Whether you are a large hospital, surgery center, or even a physician’s office, there may be a time when renting medical equipment could be exactly what you need. What if equipment was sent to the manufacturer for repair and renting would fill the void until the equipment is returned? It could be a seasonal need, where an influx of people to your area will mean increased admissions, thus the need for additional medical equipment. Maybe you have a surgeon coming in for one special surgery which requires a unique piece of equipment. We have even had a large primary care facility do free blood pressure screenings and needed to rent several auto BP units for the event. The scenarios are endless.

Choosing a supplier:

When renting you may want to ensure it is from a vendor that is properly inspected the equipment prior to delivery. Before the equipment is delivered as fit for patient use, it should be inspected for physical damage, completeness, proper operation, calibration (if necessary), and electrical safety tested. If equipped with accessories or a battery, these, too, should be tested.

Ensure that your supplier also has professional liability insurance. In the unfortunate case that there is an equipment malfunction which was the fault of the vendor, you want that protection. If they cannot provide you with proof of insurance, it may be an indication that they aren’t a legitimate sales, service, and/or rental company.

Choosing Medical Equipment to Rent:

When renting medical equipment, if possible, try and rent equipment that the staff is already familiar with. Sometimes this may not be possible depending on what is currently available from your vendor, but it is always good when you can decrease, or even eliminate the learning curve and avoid unnecessary risks by staff using unfamiliar equipment.

For accessories, make sure you receive the accessories you need. For instance, if you are working with pediatric patients and are renting a patient monitor, you may need to ask for pediatric blood pressure cuffs, etc.  Lastly, try and rent equipment that your current disposables are compatible with. For example, an electrosurgery unit will need grounding pads and ESU pencils.

Rental Equipment Types:
  • Hospital Stretchers
  • Specialty Stretchers
  • Surgical Tables
  • Surgical Lights (Portable)
  • Defibrillators
  • AEDs
  • Patient Monitors
  • Anesthesia Monitors
  • Infusion Pumps
  • Syringe Pumps
  • Suction Pumps
  • Crash/Emergency Carts
  • Med Carts
  • Operating Microscopes

Whether it’s a routine medical equipment rental or unexpected,  Venture Medical is there to help you whenever the need arises. Our knowledgeable sales staff and trained service technicians are always ready and happy to help with your medical equipment needs.

Please visit our medical equipment rental page here

For more information about Venture Medical you can visit our main site, facebook and instagram.

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